About Us
Who We Are
Barnes Firm LLP – Attorneys at Law helps our clients work through their challenging legal matters to put them on the path to greater success and prosperity. Our lawyers resolve our clients’ tough problems by skillfully navigating the legal issues, guided by our law firm’s time-tested founding principles: Efficiency is critical. There are no substitutes for skill and focus. Effectiveness is the ultimate measure of success. Common sense is paramount.
Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Barnes Firm LLP helps clients throughout the United States and around the world.
Our law firm is experienced and well-equipped to handle your family law, business, real estate litigation and immigration matters. In addition, we maintain a selectively chosen network of experts and professionals to provide our clients with specialized care in the areas of venture capital, financial management, insurance, accounting and more.
We understand that your legal matter is not just about a case or dispute in the legal arena, but is largely about bringing resolution to tumult or disruption in your everyday life. We recognize that choosing an attorney is a difficult decision. We invite you to meet with one of our attorneys to discuss your matter and earn your confidence and trust. Call us now at 404-236-5000 to schedule your complimentary consultation to meet with one of our Problem Solving Lawyers.
What to Expect During Your First Meeting with Us
We make every effort to make meeting with an attorney at Barnes Firm LLP as stress-free as possible. After all, we recognize that many prospective clients wait until the stress of their legal problem becomes overwhelming before deciding to take action and contact us.
You will meet with one of our attorneys during your initial consultation. The attorney will listen to you explain your legal issue, review the documents and information you may bring, evaluate your case, and answer your questions.
To make the most out of your initial consultation, bring all of the documents you feel may be useful to evaluating your case. Information and a list of documents helpful to bring may be found on our client consultation forms which may be accessed here.
While we strive to assist all prospective clients, not everyone can be a client of Barnes Firm LLP. Sometimes, the fit is just not right. In such cases, we will do our best to match you with one of the lawyers in our extensive referral network.
Why choose Barnes Firm?